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Paris, France - 2002-2003
London: A travel journal by Jay Langhurst

Below you will find entries in my virtual travel journal from my time in Paris, France . Enjoy!

To add to the European experience of these pages, dates are formatted in DD/MM/YYYY and hours are in 24-hour format.

  • 11/10/2002 - How to get to Buc (GE Medical Europe) from Paris and a French Fashion Show
  • 12/10/2002 - Paris, Saint Chapelle and a trip to the beaches of Normandy
  • 14/10/2002 - The tower, the arc, the city of LOVE and LOUVRE!

  • Created and maintained by Jay Langhurst - e-mail

    This homepage and all the images are copyright Jay Langhurst and may only be used under the author's express permission.
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