Jay Langhurst - Burlington, Iowa Summer 1999 - jlanghurst@gmail.com
Summer 1999 visit to Burlington, Iowa

[ Page 1: Intro | Page 2: Burlington | Page 3: Caves, Springs and more ]
I went home to Burlington, Iowa to see my family and to pick up a van so that I could get around Omaha during the Summer of 1999.

My wonderful parents, Jude & Val Langhurst

Keri and Jennifer Leemkuil.
Keri is a friend from Creighton. She drove me to Burlington so that I could get the van.
While they were in Burlington, I showed them what was to be seen in and around the town.

A shed on our property, we call it "Martha's Cabin"

Keri and Jennifer Leemkuil posing at a swing in our backyard

Keri waiting for a train...

A mayfly. They only live for a day and are in their dormant stage underneath the Mississippi River.

My Grandmother and Grandfather on my dad's side of the family, I also visited them.

[ Page 1: Intro | Page 2: Burlington | Page 3: Caves, Springs and more ]

All photos copyright Jay Langhurst 1999
