Jay Langhurst - Burlington, Iowa Summer 1999 - jlanghurst@gmail.com
Summer 1999 visit to Burlington, Iowa

[ Page 1: Intro | Page 2: Burlington | Page 3: Caves, Springs and more ]

Stone steps leading to Crapo Park from the wooded path to a spring...

Gotta love that "light streaming from trees above" shot

Once again Keri and her sister feel the need to pose for a picture, this time near the bluffs along the trail to the spring.

Finally, we run upon a natural spring

This plaque in embedded in the stone reads:
Black Hawk Spring
Named in honor of the
famous warrior chief Black Hawk
who with his tribe used this spring
when camping in this vicinity
Erected by
Stars and Stripes Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution

Water flowing from the spring (long exposure, sepia-toned)

Water flowing down to the Mississippi from the spring (long exposure)

Ok, so this may be off-topic, but if you know what cartoon this is from send me e-mail.
I was watching it, but then left and it was a very good cartoon...

[ Page 1: Intro | Page 2: Burlington | Page 3: Caves, Springs and more ]

All photos (except the cartoon one) copyright Jay Langhurst 1999